Free Sans Serif Fonts
Archivo Narrow

Archivo is a free sans serif typeface family. It was originally designed for highlights and headlines. We actually using it as a display font on our website!
It was designed to be used simultaneously in print and digital interfaces and supports over 200 world languages.
Apfel Grotezk

Apfel Grotezk is an airy sans serif family, inspired by geometric typefaces. It features easy and playful curves giving it a very friendly attitude and making it ideal for landing pages.

Mattone is a highly visible sans serif with generous width proportions and loud curves – as round as they can be. Initially started in 2017 as a display face, Mattone was completely redrawn from scratch in 2021 and can now set longer text pieces at smaller sizes with broader language support.

Fixel is a unique blend of geometric and humanist grotesques, with wide width and open letter shapes. It's super friendly looking and good for headlines and as a font for user interfaces.
Aside from two styles and nine different weight options, it has a variable font version.

Stylish geometric grotesque inspired by Josef Müller-Brockmann Swiss graphic designer and author.
Reddit Sans

Unexpectedly even to me, Reddit released their take on sans font. It has distinct geometric shapes and can be a great font for UI design.

If you haven't heard about Inter, you probably live in a cave or just starting your design career. It's a variable font family designed specifically for UI.
It keeps its readability even in the smallest font sizes and basically became a defacto default font when you start designing any interface.
Free Serif fonts

It's one of my favorite free serif fonts with sharp and visually distinct shapes. Bagnard was inspired by graffiti of an anonymous prisoner of the Napoleonic wars and definitely has a sauce.

Revival of 80's authentics in ads and on landing pages makes it one of the best choices if you want to replicate old Apple style. A condensed version of the font is basically a free Apple Garamond replacement.

Adelphe is a modern take on classical serif fonts. It has proportions, inspired by the Renaissance typefaces and lines close to calligraphy. Nothing to add here, just a really solid font.
IBM Plex Serif

You can call this a boring choice, but in my opinion, IBM Plex has a really solid serif version, that can be used both for content and titles.
Free mono fonts
Commit mono

While reviewing this article, I've noticed that haven't added any free mono fonts, so here's my favorite pick! Commit is a minimalistic mono typeface, which looks awesome both in huge and tiny font sizes. Also, it has one of the dopest websites, highly suggest you check it out.
Reddit Mono

Reddit Mono is a humanist sans-serif designed for Reddit. Reddit Mono is complemented by Reddit Sans and Reddit Sans Condensed.
Where to find the best free fonts
Here are a few more links to sites and resources where you can find free and open-source fonts for your next project.