Law of Continuity

What is the Law of Continuity?

The Law of Continuity, also known as the principle of good continuation, is a Gestalt principle that suggests that the human eye is inclined to follow paths, lines, and curves, preferring smooth, continuous contours over disjointed ones.

This means that when elements are aligned along a path, the viewer perceives them as a part of a continuous pattern.

Applying the Law of Continuity in Design

Aligning Elements

Align elements along a common path to create a sense of continuity. This can be done with lines, shapes, or text blocks to guide the user's eye in a desired direction.

Using Curves and Lines

Incorporate curves and lines to create natural paths for the eye to follow. Use these elements to connect different parts of the design and create a cohesive visual flow.

Consistent Margins and Spacing

Maintain consistent margins and spacing to reinforce the sense of continuity. This consistency helps users predict the layout and navigate through the content more easily.

Leading Lines

Use leading lines to draw attention to specific areas of your design. These lines can be actual lines or implied lines created by the alignment of elements.

Visual Hierarchy

Establish a clear visual hierarchy by aligning related elements. This helps users understand the importance of different elements and follow the flow of information logically.

Examples of the Law of Continuity in Action

Website Layouts

In web design, the Law of Continuity can be seen in navigation menus, content sections, and call-to-action buttons aligned in a way that guides users naturally from one section to the next.


Infographics often use lines and arrows to create a continuous flow of information, helping users understand complex data and relationships easily.

Mobile App Interfaces

Mobile app interfaces leverage the Law of Continuity by aligning buttons, icons, and text fields along a consistent path, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Print Design

In print design, such as magazines and brochures, the Law of Continuity is used to guide readers' eyes across articles and advertisements, creating a cohesive reading experience.

Best Practices for Using the Law of Continuity

Plan the Visual Path

Before designing, plan the visual path you want users to follow. Determine the key elements that need to be connected and align them along a smooth, continuous path.

Test with Users

Conduct usability testing to see how users navigate your design. Make adjustments based on their interactions to ensure the visual path is intuitive and effective.

Combine with Other Principles

Use the Law of Continuity in conjunction with other design principles, such as the Law of Proximity and the Law of Similarity, to create a well-rounded and effective design.

Keep It Simple

Avoid overcomplicating the visual path. Keep lines and alignments simple and clear to ensure users can easily follow the intended flow.


The Law of Continuity is a powerful principle in design that enhances visual flow, readability, and user experience. By aligning elements along continuous paths, designers can create more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing layouts.

What is the Law of Continuity?

The Law of Continuity, also known as the principle of good continuation, is a Gestalt principle that suggests that the human eye is inclined to follow paths, lines, and curves, preferring smooth, continuous contours over disjointed ones.

This means that when elements are aligned along a path, the viewer perceives them as a part of a continuous pattern.

Applying the Law of Continuity in Design

Aligning Elements

Align elements along a common path to create a sense of continuity. This can be done with lines, shapes, or text blocks to guide the user's eye in a desired direction.

Using Curves and Lines

Incorporate curves and lines to create natural paths for the eye to follow. Use these elements to connect different parts of the design and create a cohesive visual flow.

Consistent Margins and Spacing

Maintain consistent margins and spacing to reinforce the sense of continuity. This consistency helps users predict the layout and navigate through the content more easily.

Leading Lines

Use leading lines to draw attention to specific areas of your design. These lines can be actual lines or implied lines created by the alignment of elements.

Visual Hierarchy

Establish a clear visual hierarchy by aligning related elements. This helps users understand the importance of different elements and follow the flow of information logically.

Examples of the Law of Continuity in Action

Website Layouts

In web design, the Law of Continuity can be seen in navigation menus, content sections, and call-to-action buttons aligned in a way that guides users naturally from one section to the next.


Infographics often use lines and arrows to create a continuous flow of information, helping users understand complex data and relationships easily.

Mobile App Interfaces

Mobile app interfaces leverage the Law of Continuity by aligning buttons, icons, and text fields along a consistent path, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Print Design

In print design, such as magazines and brochures, the Law of Continuity is used to guide readers' eyes across articles and advertisements, creating a cohesive reading experience.

Best Practices for Using the Law of Continuity

Plan the Visual Path

Before designing, plan the visual path you want users to follow. Determine the key elements that need to be connected and align them along a smooth, continuous path.

Test with Users

Conduct usability testing to see how users navigate your design. Make adjustments based on their interactions to ensure the visual path is intuitive and effective.

Combine with Other Principles

Use the Law of Continuity in conjunction with other design principles, such as the Law of Proximity and the Law of Similarity, to create a well-rounded and effective design.

Keep It Simple

Avoid overcomplicating the visual path. Keep lines and alignments simple and clear to ensure users can easily follow the intended flow.


The Law of Continuity is a powerful principle in design that enhances visual flow, readability, and user experience. By aligning elements along continuous paths, designers can create more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing layouts.